There are lots of great resources out there, the trick is knowing what and where they are. Let The Wheelhouse do the work for you by viewing content reviewed and endorsed by us.

Communication Tools
As we adapt to a "new normal" home and remote working are becoming the norm. Here are some great web based tools offering free or low cost solutions to help.
Use a tool that is not here? - Contact Us

Community Networks
There are a range of national not-for-profit interest groups within New Zealand that help connect like minded organisations and provide tailored information for specific needs.

Good Practice
What can be better than having a high quality resource library at your fingertips?
At The Wheelhouse we've found the following national resources useful and relevant. These are fantastic for taking your group from good to great.

Legal Stuff
Every person and community group needs to operate within New Zealand law. How well do you know your individual and group legal responsibilities? Do you need to check your groups legal status? Whether you are unsure, want to stay up to date, or need to know more, use this information to find out.

Social Media Tools
All these have been recommended by people who have found them useful. They are user friendly and for the most part they are free. Use a tool that's not here? Suggest Something

Tech Tools
There are great web based tools offering free or low cost solutions for community groups.
Use a tool that is not here? - Contact Us
For online guidance and advice the Wheelhouse recommends ImproveIT

Web Based Tools
There are great web based tools offering free or low cost solutions for community groups.
Use a tool that is not here? - Contact Us
For online guidance and advice the Wheelhouse recommends ImproveIT