Our Vision: Empowered Community Organisations
At The Wheelhouse our purpose is to develop strong sustainable community organisations through improved governance and leadership. To achieve this, we are a hub for trusts, clubs, societies and community organisations to access:
- impartial support and advice
- opportunities for learning, training, education and upskilling
- access to recent and relevant information, resources and research.
We are also purposeful in our intent to collaborate with others for the benefit of the sector, which could be co-delivery, partnership, sharing information and sign posting to services.
The Incorporated Societies Act 2022
The Law Lady Show 2
First broadcast on 1 September 2022. My show today was about the new Incorporated Societies Act and what this means for groups (both incorporated and otherwise) in NZ. I’m joined by Marcia Millard from the Wheelhouse who can help groups to prepare for these changes and provide training for them.