Understanding the state of play in our community, what is needed and what will make a difference is essential.
A strong evidence base ensures that initiatives are focused and achieve outcomes. View the range of excellent research and evidence sources recommended by The Wheelhouse.

What Works
What Works is a site to help people gather robust data and information to tell a real story about what they are doing and the difference it makes.
Aimed at smaller community groups, if you need to reflect on your work, demonstrate its effectiveness and keep improving your practice, this site is for you.

Infometrics Community Profiles
Infometrics provides industry, regional, and general economic analysis and forecasts that assist organisations in making their planning, policy, and strategic decisions. Infometrics Community Profiles are available, free of charge, and provide valuable information about our communities using visualisation for Census data.

The Hub - Social Investment Agency
The Hub is a one-stop-shop for New Zealand government social science research which is run by the Social Investment Agency
The Hub contains social science research undertaken, commissioned or partly funded by central government in New Zealand. They define 'social science research' as the systematic study of human action and interaction, and may include qualitative and quantitative research.

Community Research
Community Research is the place to find webinars, research and resources for the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector.

Statistics New Zealand
Statistics New Zealand's goal is to unleash the power of data to change lives. This rich information helps people decide where to locate a business, what products to sell, where we need roads, schools and hospitals as well as measuring environmental progress, quality of life and how families are doing.
Statistics are used by government, local councils, Māori and business to help make decisions so that New Zealand’s economy, people and communities can thrive.

Insights Tool - Sport NZ
Sport New Zealand's Inights tool is designed to help those operating in the sport and recreation sector to better understand their participants and plan for future demand. This tool has been designed to help you make evidence based decisions by providing access to key data sources, where users can build insights around regional populations and trends. The tool gives insight into regional demographics, expected population growth, health, activity behaviours and trends as well as school profiles and sport participation.

Volunteering NZ Research Library
Volunteering New Zealand have a growing library of research on all aspects of volunteering, at your disposal. They are always striving to be up-to-date with the latest research and are regularly uploading articles. Titles span from 1999-2018 and all are accessible through their site.

State of Volunteering Report 2022 by Volunteering NZ
Volunteers remain committed to their roles and to supporting their communities, the latest State of Volunteering report shows.
Despite the challenges to community organisations and volunteers from the Covid-19 pandemic, the state of volunteering in Aotearoa is generally healthy.
Over the past two years many people helped others in generous, collaborative and innovative ways.
The State of Volunteering in Aotearoa New Zealand 2022 report presents an overview of volunteering. It is informed by surveys from volunteers and volunteer managers with community organisations, focus groups and official statistics.
Volunteers told us contributing to the community was their key motivator (90%), while the opportunity to make friends or to join in volunteering with a friend was also important (34.6%). Volunteers’ intention to continue volunteering long-term remains strong, at 81%, similar to the pre-Covid percentage.
Covid-19 has put a spotlight on the community and voluntary sector – throwing up challenges for organisations and volunteers alike, while also highlighting its value to the wellbeing of New Zealanders.
“Volunteering needs to be well-managed and resourced in order to make the greatest contribution to society. We will continue to advocate for this,” Michelle Kitney, Chief Executive of Volunteering New Zealand says.